Dry separating toilet – just a separating toilet or is there something to it?

Dry separation toilet - just a separator or is there something to it? When nature calls, nobody wants to have done it. For a long time, going to the toilet while camping was also a little-addressed topic. After all, who likes to talk about stools in public? The urine-diverting toilet has now made the topic socially acceptable. Caravanning vs. vanlife The large caravans are in the [...]
Solar for the camper: Be my sunshine!

Solar for the camper: Be my sunshine! The sun shines down on us tirelessly, literally throwing energy at us for free. It would be scandalous not to do something with it! Fortunately, a few clever minds have thought about the subject and the result is the solar cell. Solar systems are used in building services or large electricity farms [...]