Is someone sniffling?

Does someone smell? All about showers and hygiene when travelling. Of course we don't smell! A daily shower is part of every road trip for us. Especially as we usually work up a sweat during the day with various sporting activities. Going to bed dirty is kind of Yikes. The easiest way [...]
You don't go camping in winter, do you?

You don't go camping in winter, do you? All about winter camping. The same applies to camping: there's no such thing as can't. Just as there is no such thing as "bad" weather, there is no such thing as the "wrong" time of year to go camping. The be-all and end-all of winter camping is, of course, the right equipment. Then there is the equipment, infrastructure on site [...]
Garbage, garbage and more garbage!

Rubbish, rubbish and more rubbish! All about waste when travelling. Unfortunately, it will have happened to everyone at some point that they drive into a beautiful car park and what's lying around? Ideally, a plastic bag full of rubbish. If bad luck is involved, furry or feathered friends have already torn up the bag and [...]