Gasalarm im Wohnmobil – Schutz vor unsichtbaren Gefahren

Gasalarm im Wohnmobil Schutz vor unsichtbaren Gefahren Wer mit dem Wohnmobil, Camper oder Caravan unterwegs ist, geniesst Freiheit und Abenteuer. Aber gerade in der Kleinstwohnform eines Fahrzeugs gibt es unsichtbare Gefahren, die man nicht unterschätzen sollte: Gas. Ob beim Kochen, Heizen oder durch unerwünschte Eindringlinge – Gas kann im schlimmsten Fall lebensgefährlich sein. In diesem […]
Probably the most versatile bin for campers

Probably the most versatile waste bin for campers The Danish Flextrash - where waste meets bin! Contents of this article The Flextrash - waste bin for campers with a system These waste bins are a kind of waste management system. It consists of a fabric waste bin made from old plastic bottles and various clips that can be flexibly and easily attached to the [...]
Disposal stations for motorhomes or campers

A brief guide to dealing with fresh, grey and waste water when camping In a camper or motorhome, you cook, brush your teeth, wash your hands, take a shower and sometimes you have to go to the toilet - if you have one in the vehicle at all! Fully equipped motorhomes have three different water tanks for this purpose. First and foremost, you need fresh water tanks, which [...]
Without campers, but lava - Camping Sicily #3

No camper, but lava instead - Camping Sicily #3 The Sicilian weather is not always on its best behaviour. It is therefore with a heavy heart that we decide to temporarily leave van life behind us. Between Christmas and New Year's Eve, we set sail without a campervan. Provided the ferry would even leave because of the swell! We give up our camper [...]
You dare something, as a woman! #solofemalecamper

You dare to do something as a woman! #solofemalecamper Or on the subject of girls on the camper front aka vangirls I keep coming across the hashtag #solofemalecamper on social media. It's accompanied by romanticised pictures of pretty girls, lightly staffed, sitting in their campers decorated with fairy lights and cosy blankets, drinking a cup of camomile tea and gazing into the [...]
Is someone sniffling?

Does someone smell? All about showers and hygiene when travelling. Of course we don't smell! A daily shower is part of every road trip for us. Especially as we usually work up a sweat during the day with various sporting activities. Going to bed dirty is kind of Yikes. The easiest way [...]
Garbage, garbage and more garbage!

Rubbish, rubbish and more rubbish! All about waste when travelling. Unfortunately, it will have happened to everyone at some point that they drive into a beautiful car park and what's lying around? Ideally, a plastic bag full of rubbish. If bad luck is involved, furry or feathered friends have already torn up the bag and [...]