Gasalarm im Wohnmobil – Schutz vor unsichtbaren Gefahren

Gasalarm im Wohnmobil Schutz vor unsichtbaren Gefahren Wer mit dem Wohnmobil, Camper oder Caravan unterwegs ist, geniesst Freiheit und Abenteuer. Aber gerade in der Kleinstwohnform eines Fahrzeugs gibt es unsichtbare Gefahren, die man nicht unterschätzen sollte: Gas. Ob beim Kochen, Heizen oder durch unerwünschte Eindringlinge – Gas kann im schlimmsten Fall lebensgefährlich sein. In diesem […]
Probably the most versatile bin for campers

Probably the most versatile waste bin for campers The Danish Flextrash - where waste meets bin! Contents of this article The Flextrash - waste bin for campers with a system These waste bins are a kind of waste management system. It consists of a fabric waste bin made from old plastic bottles and various clips that can be flexibly and easily attached to the [...]
Disposal stations for motorhomes or campers

A brief guide to dealing with fresh, grey and waste water when camping In a camper or motorhome, you cook, brush your teeth, wash your hands, take a shower and sometimes you have to go to the toilet - if you have one in the vehicle at all! Fully equipped motorhomes have three different water tanks for this purpose. First and foremost, you need fresh water tanks, which [...]
Retrofitting an air heater - not only in the camper

Installation and maintenance - not only in our workshop, but it's better 😉 A parking heater in the camper is not only a warm companion in winter, but also ensures pleasant comfort and a pleasant indoor climate on cold, damp summer nights in the mountains. But what to do if the camper doesn't have a parking heater and how to heat [...]
Heating in the camper: does it need one and if so, which one?

Heating in the camper: do you need one and if so, which one? Parking heater, electric heating mat, wood-burning stove and co. If you are travelling outside the main season, you can admire nature in its most beautiful autumn colours or be enchanted by snow-covered mountain peaks. But the temperatures can drop below freezing at night, your feet get cold and it's not just [...]
Pandora Alarmanlage für Camper

PANDORA alarm system for campers or smart home for campers Disclaimer: We offer the installation of Pandora alarm analysis for campers as well as all types of vehicles in our workshop. Anyone who occasionally reads into groups and discussions on social media will also be confronted with less pleasant aspects of being on the road. [...]
Solar for the camper: Be my sunshine!

Solar for the camper: Be my sunshine! The sun shines down on us tirelessly, literally throwing energy at us for free. It would be scandalous not to do something with it! Fortunately, a few clever minds have thought about the subject and the result is the solar cell. Solar systems are used in building services or large electricity farms [...]
Without campers, but lava - Camping Sicily #3

No camper, but lava instead - Camping Sicily #3 The Sicilian weather is not always on its best behaviour. It is therefore with a heavy heart that we decide to temporarily leave van life behind us. Between Christmas and New Year's Eve, we set sail without a campervan. Provided the ferry would even leave because of the swell! We give up our camper [...]
Pasta every day keeps… – Sicily with the #2 camper

Pasta every day keeps... - Sicily with the camper #2 THE DOCTOR AWAY...When I think of Sicily, two things come to mind. Mafia and volcanoes. While the latter is rather exciting, the former leaves me with a rather queasy feeling when travelling in a highly polished camper. What [...]
With the camper to Croatia

Travelling to Croatia by camper In spring, the longing for warmth, sun and vitamin D is always particularly strong after the dark season. Above all, from mid-May to mid-June, the holiday density is particularly holiday-friendly. With enough overtime in our luggage, we climb into our camper and leave the dreariness of cold, wet spring weather behind. Sea breeze [...]