Gasalarm im Wohnmobil – Schutz vor unsichtbaren Gefahren

Gasalarm im Wohnmobil Schutz vor unsichtbaren Gefahren Wer mit dem Wohnmobil, Camper oder Caravan unterwegs ist, geniesst Freiheit und Abenteuer. Aber gerade in der Kleinstwohnform eines Fahrzeugs gibt es unsichtbare Gefahren, die man nicht unterschätzen sollte: Gas. Ob beim Kochen, Heizen oder durch unerwünschte Eindringlinge – Gas kann im schlimmsten Fall lebensgefährlich sein. In diesem […]
Retrofitting an air heater - not only in the camper

Installation and maintenance - not only in our workshop, but it's better 😉 A parking heater in the camper is not only a warm companion in winter, but also ensures pleasant comfort and a pleasant indoor climate on cold, damp summer nights in the mountains. But what to do if the camper doesn't have a parking heater and how to heat [...]
Heating in the camper: does it need one and if so, which one?

Heating in the camper: do you need one and if so, which one? Parking heater, electric heating mat, wood-burning stove and co. If you are travelling outside the main season, you can admire nature in its most beautiful autumn colours or be enchanted by snow-covered mountain peaks. But the temperatures can drop below freezing at night, your feet get cold and it's not just [...]
Pandora Alarmanlage für Camper

PANDORA alarm system for campers or smart home for campers Disclaimer: We offer the installation of Pandora alarm analysis for campers as well as all types of vehicles in our workshop. Anyone who occasionally reads into groups and discussions on social media will also be confronted with less pleasant aspects of being on the road. [...]
Swap the double seat for a single seat – including a rotating console

Swapping a double bench seat for a single seat - including swivel console in the camper The path from a tin panel van to a cosy camper van is not always straightforward. Anyone buying a second-hand vehicle often has to make do with a double bench seat in a panel van, i.e. three seats in the cab. However, depending on the layout of the campervan conversion or the number of seats required, this is not always [...]
Gurtbock, pilot seats or sleeping bench for the camper

Retrofitting seat belts, pilot seats or a bench seat for the camper seats? No problem. Because the basic idea behind many expansion projects is to go from a panel van with just one row of seats to a motorhome with the desired number of seats. Or perhaps there were two of you when you bought the motorhome and now you want to bring the kids along. The amount of space required varies from camper to [...]
Dry separating toilet – just a separating toilet or is there something to it?

Dry separation toilet - just a separator or is there something to it? When nature calls, nobody wants to have done it. For a long time, going to the toilet while camping was also a little-addressed topic. After all, who likes to talk about stools in public? The urine-diverting toilet has now made the topic socially acceptable. Caravanning vs. vanlife The large caravans are in the [...]
Solar for the camper: Be my sunshine!

Solar for the camper: Be my sunshine! The sun shines down on us tirelessly, literally throwing energy at us for free. It would be scandalous not to do something with it! Fortunately, a few clever minds have thought about the subject and the result is the solar cell. Solar systems are used in building services or large electricity farms [...]
Can you expand a camper ecologically?

Is it possible to convert a campervan ecologically? In other words, what does "ecological" even mean? We recently had an enquiry about how "ecological our felt" is and "can you convert a campervan ecologically"? I was able to answer that it does not come from China, but is produced in Italy. But even if it is specially made for [...]
Camper with pop-up roof vs. flat roof

Camper with pop-top roof vs. flat roof "A real camper needs this folding thing!" and "Standing height is the be-all and end-all in a camper like this" or "Four of us want to go on holiday with the camper and need the space." More appearance than reality, I say, the camper with pop-top roof! So, does a camper really need [...]?